Getting the Essentials for Scuba Diving

Getting the Essentials for Scuba Diving

Scuba diving is a life long hobby for many. If you are interested in it as well, then purchasing your own gear will probably be a good long term investment. In the beginning, you will be overwhelmed with all the items you need to purchase, but stick with it and it will all become second nature to you. Before you go shopping, you need a list of all the essentials you are going to need.

Buoyancy compensators are one of the most important pieces of equipment you can get, so starting here is a good idea. Buoyancy compensators are also known as a stab jacket and is a piece of scuba gear that’s worn like a jacket and holds a bladder which establishes neutral buoyancy underwater.

Scuba tanks come in a variety of different sizes to suit different types of scuba divers. Smaller tanks around 30 cubic feet in size are the lightest and cheapest tanks. These tanks won’t last for an all day dive, but for an afternoon of swimming around, they work just fine. In your diving career, you will more than likely purchase more than one set of scuba tanks, but starting with a small tank is usually recommended.

The next item on your shopping list should be dive gauges. Dive gauges come in a variety of different styles; you have compasses, analog and metric analog. They are used to show you the PSI and depth. They are your basic navigational equipment when under water which is why many come with a compass as well, your dive gauge should always be included in your scuba gear. The compass is filled with liquid so it’s quick to respond underwater.

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Dive computers are another item a lot of people couldn’t live without. They connect to your dive gauge and get your depth and surrounding PSI and do calculations based on this information. Dive computers basic uses include: measuring the time of the dive, measuring the depth of the dive and calculating a safe rate to ascend to avoid decompression sickness. If you don’t plan on going too deep, you can go without a dive computer, though, they still are handy to have with you.

Of course, no scuba set would be complete without your scuba regulators. Scuba regulators can be one of the most expensive parts to your scuba set. You are going to need a well constructed and highly functional regulator, but you don’t need to get the most expensive one when you are new. Alternatively you could get a scuba octopus instead. A scuba octopus and a regulator perform the same function, and it’s merely personal preference. The function they perform is to regulate the pressure of the air when you attempt to breath. The demand valve will detect when the diver try’s to inhale and will adjust the pressure accordingly.

When you have all the essential equipment for diving, all you need to do is start learning. Getting comfortable in water is one of the hardest parts for a lot of people. You have to remain calm while your face is being submerged in water, which can cause a natural reflex of feeling like you are going to drown. This is your bodies natural response and in some people can be quite severe. Starting off with some diving lessons is a good way to get started, though, teaching yourself can be just as good in most cases.

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