Choosing Shoes for Free Running

Choosing Shoes for Free Running

When you are considering buying a new paid for the shoes for performing Free Running, there are a few things you need to consider before you take the plunge and part with your hard earned cash.


Lightweight is the name of the game when choosing the right pair of shoes. Whilst running, jumping and landing the less weight on your feet the longer you are able to train for as the reduced stress means less energy expended.

Less weight to the legs will allow for more freedom of movement, faster running speeds and you will notice a considerable difference in energy levels.



Poor technique can be a result of soles that are too think for Free Running and Parkour, as they do not allow you to feel and sense the surface you are on. A lack of sensitivity may also provide you with a false sense of security, incorrectly giving you a false sense of security for landing safely from a height you are not able to manage.

Thinner soles on your shoe will enable you to get a good understanding of a variety of different surfaces and ensure you can appropriately assess the impact of your landings. This will benefit you as a Parkour Practitioner, as it will encourage you to deploy correct techniques, furthermore avoiding injury.


Good foot arch support is a must when choosing the shoe. These sever to protect the foot arch when Free Running, performing precision landings and quick change of direction.

Shoes that utilize hard plastic for the foot arches are definitely not recommended as this has been known to cause the feet to slip around inside of the shoe causing blisters and other potential foot problems.

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Free Running shoes differ greatly in price and it all depends on the brand you choose based on the points above.

FiveTen are a renowned Free Running shoe manufacturer who specialize in producing shoes that are both durable and provide ultimate grip. Their prices seem to be quite consistent across their range.

Inov-8 are a UK based company and their prices seem to differ quite a lot depending on the model chosen. So compare a few different sites to get the best price.

K-Swiss have also jumped on the Free Running shoes trend and provide some great models. Their prices can be somewhat slightly higher which is due to the popularity of the company I feel.

Puma and Adidas also produce shoes that can be used for Free Running and although not specifically marketed for the Free Runner they certainly can compete with some of the lesser know but specialist brands.

If you purchase the cheapest pair of shoes you can find, you will not always be pleased with your purchase, as you certainly get what you pay for where Free Running shoes are involved.

With the volume of wear and the battering they will take from your daily Free Running sessions, there is every chance that a low cost pair of shoes will certainly need to be replaced within just a few of months.

All in all you don’t have to spend a fortune on Free Running shoes, however you should bear in mind that you cannot put a price on comfort and safety. So choose wisely!

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In addition, you can find more helpful information and Reviews over at Parkour Shoes Headquarters. Which is a site dedicated to helping everyone when choosing which Parkour and Free Running shoes to buy. We have lots of reviews for all categories and brands.